Friday 11 November 2011

Ready for the frost

Okay, I know I'll be regretting this in a month's time when it's properly cold, but right now I would really like some frosty weather!

Here in south-west Scotland it has definitely been unseasonably warm. We've had a few chillier nights recently, but nothing of note. And while I DO NOT want a repeat of last winter (minus 15 degrees temperatures and what seemed like several months of relentless ice and snow), it would be nice to wake up to a few more frost mornings!

Knitting just isn't the same in the summer - it's still fun, but there's something about being snuggled up on the sofa in front of the log fire with your latest knitting project. I am so excited that two of my closest friends should be giving birth to baby boys in the next couple of months, but I'm also finding it very hard to get into the mood for knitting when it hasn't been cold enough yet to light the log fire!

Warmer weather - wonderful. I'm not complaining! But it just isn't Christmas (or the wonderful wintery lead up to Christmas time) without a bit of frost!

Getting ready for the colder weather by adding some hand-knitted gloves to my Etsy shop!


  1. Agree with you about the lack of frost - it's been unseasonably mild down here in Wiltshire too. If only, when it comes, it would be just frost though! Fear that when it does arrive, we're going to have as bad a winter as we did last year.

    If knitting is not motivating you at the moment - and I sympathise with you on that score - how about visiting my blog at where I post about making, mending and otherwise creating soft, cuddly toys (which might be of interest to you and your friends as well!) which I then try to sell at Look forward to it!

    All the best. Isobel

  2. Yes! It was so strange on bonfire night not being able to see your breath and not needing to wear gloves.
