Monday 12 September 2011


This morning, with 70mph winds battering the trees and the teapot calling, I got to thinking about the distractions that come when you work from home.

I have an office job too. On these mornings, I settle in by catching up on my emails, and usually spend my day quite constructively. Distractions come in the form of phone calls and visitors to the office, most of which is work-related anyway.

At home, things change, and my biggest distraction to date is our 10 month old puppy. While our older dog naps happily, the energetic puppy sees the phrase "go and have a nap" as a personal challenge to herself - she feels that she must now stay awake for the next 4 hours while tearing around the house with her toys, eating anything she can find, and jumping up on everyone (usually straight after she's been out in the rain).

And that's not to mention the interruptions from other family members popping their head around the door, the telephone ringing (never work-related), and (on wet and windy days like today) the call of the kettle and the sofa. Even on peaceful days, there is always the increasing list of housework and other household chores that creeps into my mind every so often.

It's not always easy focusing when you're working from home, but I wouldn't change a thing. I am dreaming of the day when I can do it full time.

At least it means I don't need to leave the house early on a wet and windy day to get into the office!

But it still surprises me that I ever get anything done, working from home!

1 comment:

  1. There are so many distraction when working at home, but I agree, its great. I would also love to do it fulltime. Have a happy Monday
